Yoshifumi Shimizu - 11.26th, 1983

After graduating from an industrial high school in Tokyo, I spent my days at the construction site. When I was 24 years old, I wanted to go to a place full of my favorite things. So, I quit my job and packed my first camera for the purpose of leaving memories in a backpack and went on a long journey and explore to the US West Coast. I was fascinated by the world where my senses were directly projected, which did not exist as shapes. A man who had no dreams or hopes decided to become a Photographer and returned to Japan in November 2008. I started working as a freelance photographer in 2012. In recent years, I have been involved in fashion advertising, live photos of both domestic and foreign musicians, artist photos, and CD jacket photos.

Reproducing all or any part of the photo is prohibited without the author's permission.

清水義史 1983年 埼玉県出身

都内の工業高校卒業後、工事現場で働く日々。 24歳の時、自分の好が溢れる場所へ行きたいと思い仕事を辞め 思い出を残すために初めて買ったカメラをバックパックに詰め 単身アメリカ西海岸放浪旅へ。 形として存在しない自分の感覚がダイレクトに写し出された世界に魅せられ 夢も希望もなかった男がPhotographerになると決意し2008年11月に帰国。 2012年フリーランスとして活動をはじめ近年では ファッション広告や国内外ミュージシャンのライブ写真, アーティスト写真, CDジャケット写真などに携わる。